Safety and Concealing Information Utilizing Combinatorial Data Hiding Proficiencies
Steganography, Watermarking, Data.Abstract
Steganography and Watermarking are proficiencies which forbid unauthorized users to have entry to the significant data. Though both has the same aim as Cryptography but with a different approach. The Steganography and digital watermarking provide methods which users may conceal and mingle their data amongst other data which made them unmanageable to recognize by attackers. Conveying secret data and establishing hidden relation has been a great interest. Steganography/watermarking and Encryption both pertains to the art and science of hiding a secret message in a cover media such as picture, text, signals or sound in such a way that no one, except the intended recipient knows the existence of the data. In this paper, we review certain proficiencies of steganography and digital watermarking and the difference these technologies have from Encryption proficiencies.